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Бавно зареждане на десктопа


Препоръчан пост

При стартиране на уиндоса, след като зареди фона минават около 2-3 минути докато зареди иконите на десктопа. До този момент е заредил 20 процеса и стои без никакво натоварване на процесора до момента, в който след 2-3 минути изведнъж зарежда останалите до 30 процеса. Рових къде ли не, но така и не успях да получа инфо за проблема.


Компютъра ми е Тошиба с Core2Duo 2.00, 2 GB Ram с уиндос XP Service Pack 3.


Благодаря предварително за съветите.

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Пусни един лог-файл от AutoRuns. Стартирай файла Autoruns.exe и направи следното:


а) Избери Options -> Hide Microsoft Entries и Verify Code Signatures.

б) Избери File -> Refresh или натисни F5.

в) Избери File -> Export As.

Запази файла на твърдия диск и копирай съдържанието му в темата.

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Пусни един лог-файл от AutoRuns. Стартирай файла Autoruns.exe и направи следното:


а) Избери Options -> Hide Microsoft Entries и Verify Code Signatures.

б) Избери File -> Refresh или натисни F5.

в) Избери File -> Export As.

Запази файла на твърдия диск и копирай съдържанието му в темата.


Ето получената информация:


+ egui Eset GUI (Verified) ESET, spol. s r.o. c:\program files\eset\eset nod32 antivirus\egui.exe

+ TPSMain (Not verified) TOSHIBA Corporation c:\windows\system32\tpsmain.exe

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

+ FlexType 2K.lnk c:\windows\datecs\flex2k.exe

+ FlexWord 2K.lnk c:\windows\datecs\flexword2k\flexword2k.exe


+ SpybotSD TeaTimer System settings protector (Verified) Safer Networking Ltd. c:\program files\spybot - search & destroy\teatimer.exe


+ Shockwave Updater Shockwave Helper (Verified) Adobe Systems Incorporated c:\windows\system32\adobe\shockwave 11\swhelper_1100465.exe


+ application/octet-stream Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine (Not verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\windows\system32\mscoree.dll

+ application/x-complus Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine (Not verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\windows\system32\mscoree.dll

+ application/x-msdownload Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine (Not verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\windows\system32\mscoree.dll

+ text/xml Microsoft Office XML MIME Filter (Verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\office11\msoxmlmf.dll


+ mso-offdap Microsoft Office XP Web Components (Verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web components\10\owc10.dll

+ mso-offdap11 Microsoft Office Web Components 2003 (Verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web components\11\owc11.dll

+ skype4com Skype for COM API (Verified) Skype Technologies SA c:\program files\common files\skype\skype4com.dll

HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\Components

+ 0 File not found: About:Home

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components

+ n/a Microsoft .NET IE SECURITY REGISTRATION (Not verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\windows\system32\mscories.dll


+ Eset Smart Security - Context Menu Shell Extension Shell Extension (Verified) ESET, spol. s r.o. c:\program files\eset\eset nod32 antivirus\shellext.dll

+ TuneUp Shredder Shell Extension TuneUp Shredder Shell Extension (Verified) TuneUp Software GmbH c:\program files\tuneup utilities 2008\sdshelex-win32.dll

+ WinRAR c:\program files\winrar\rarext.dll

+ WinZip WinZip Shell Extension DLL (Not verified) WinZip Computing LP c:\program files\winzip\wzshlstb.dll


+ QuickFinderMenu QuickFinder Shell Extensions (Not verified) Novell, Inc., c/o Corel Corporation Limited c:\program files\wordperfect office 11\programs\pfse110.dll

+ TuneUp Shredder Shell Extension TuneUp Shredder Shell Extension (Verified) TuneUp Software GmbH c:\program files\tuneup utilities 2008\sdshelex-win32.dll

+ WinRAR c:\program files\winrar\rarext.dll

+ WinZip WinZip Shell Extension DLL (Not verified) WinZip Computing LP c:\program files\winzip\wzshlstb.dll


+ WinRAR c:\program files\winrar\rarext.dll

+ WinZip WinZip Shell Extension DLL (Not verified) WinZip Computing LP c:\program files\winzip\wzshlstb.dll


+ QuickFinderPage QuickFinder Shell Extensions (Not verified) Novell, Inc., c/o Corel Corporation Limited c:\program files\wordperfect office 11\programs\pfse110.dll


+ PDF Shell Extension PDF Shell Extension (Not verified) Adobe Systems, Inc. c:\program files\common files\adobe\acrobat\activex\pdfshell.dll


+ Eset Smart Security - Context Menu Shell Extension Shell Extension (Verified) ESET, spol. s r.o. c:\program files\eset\eset nod32 antivirus\shellext.dll

+ WinRAR c:\program files\winrar\rarext.dll

+ WinZip WinZip Shell Extension DLL (Not verified) WinZip Computing LP c:\program files\winzip\wzshlstb.dll

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved

+ Display CPL Extension TouchED CPL Property Page (Not verified) TOSHIBA Inc. c:\program files\toshiba\touched\touched.dll

+ Display Panning CPL Extension File not found: blank

+ Eset Smart Security - Context Menu Shell Extension Shell Extension (Verified) ESET, spol. s r.o. c:\program files\eset\eset nod32 antivirus\shellext.dll

+ Fusion Cache Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine (Not verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\windows\system32\mscoree.dll

+ Microsoft Office HTML Icon Handler Microsoft Office 2003 component (Verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\program files\microsoft office\office11\msohev.dll

+ Microsoft Office Metadata Handler Microsoft Office Shell Extension Handlers (Verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\office12\msoshext.dll

+ Microsoft Office Thumbnail Handler Microsoft Office Shell Extension Handlers (Verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\office12\msoshext.dll

+ Shell Icon Handler for Application References Application Deployment Support Library (Not verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\windows\system32\dfshim.dll

+ ShellLink for Application References Application Deployment Support Library (Not verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\windows\system32\dfshim.dll

+ TuneUp Shredder Shell Extension TuneUp Shredder Shell Extension (Verified) TuneUp Software GmbH c:\program files\tuneup utilities 2008\sdshelex-win32.dll

+ TuneUp Theme Extension TuneUp Theme Extension (Verified) TuneUp Software GmbH c:\windows\system32\uxtuneup.dll

+ Web Folders Windows executable (Verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web folders\msonsext.dll

+ WinRAR shell extension c:\program files\winrar\rarext.dll

+ WinZip WinZip Shell Extension DLL (Not verified) WinZip Computing LP c:\program files\winzip\wzshlstb.dll

+ WinZip WinZip Shell Extension DLL (Not verified) WinZip Computing LP c:\program files\winzip\wzshlstb.dll

+ WinZip WinZip Shell Extension DLL (Not verified) WinZip Computing LP c:\program files\winzip\wzshlstb.dll

+ WinZip WinZip Shell Extension DLL (Not verified) WinZip Computing LP c:\program files\winzip\wzshlstb.dll

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects

+ Adobe PDF Reader Link Helper Adobe PDF Helper for Internet Explorer (Verified) Adobe Systems, Incorporated c:\program files\common files\adobe\acrobat\activex\acroiehelper.dll

+ BitComet Helper BitCometBHO (Verified) Comet Network Technology Co Ltd. c:\program files\bitcomet\tools\bitcometbho_1.2.2.28.dll

+ Spybot-S&D IE Protection SBSD IE Protection (Verified) Safer Networking Ltd. c:\program files\spybot - search & destroy\sdhelper.dll

+ SSVHelper Class Java Platform SE binary (Verified) Sun Microsystems, Inc. c:\program files\java\jre1.6.0\bin\ssv.dll

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions

+ BitComet File not found: C:\Program Files\BitComet\tools\BitCometBHO_1.2.2.28.dll/206

Task Scheduler

+ 1-Click Maintenance.job TuneUp OneClick Starter (Verified) TuneUp Software GmbH c:\program files\tuneup utilities 2008\oneclickstarter.exe

+ Norton Security Scan for Ventsi Panayotov.job Norton Security Scan (Verified) Symantec Corporation c:\program files\norton security scan\nss.exe


+ CFSvcs Service of ConfigFree. (Not verified) TOSHIBA CORPORATION c:\program files\toshiba\configfree\cfsvcs.exe

+ ekrn Eset Service (Verified) ESET, spol. s r.o. c:\program files\eset\eset nod32 antivirus\ekrn.exe

+ ioloFileInfoList File not found: C:\Program Files\iolo\common\lib\ioloServiceManager.exe

+ ioloSystemService File not found: C:\Program Files\iolo\common\lib\ioloServiceManager.exe

+ UxTuneUp Allows to use visual styles without Microsoft signature. (Verified) TuneUp Software GmbH c:\windows\system32\uxtuneup.dll


+ Changer File not found: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\Changer.sys

+ eamon Eset file on-access scanner (Verified) ESET, spol. s r.o. c:\windows\system32\drivers\eamon.sys

+ easdrv Eset AntiStealth driver (Verified) ESET, spol. s r.o. c:\windows\system32\drivers\easdrv.sys

+ epfwtdir EPFW Filter Driver (Verified) ESET, spol. s r.o. c:\windows\system32\drivers\epfwtdir.sys

+ i2omgmt File not found: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\i2omgmt.sys

+ lbrtfdc File not found: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\lbrtfdc.sys

+ Netdevio TOSHIBA Network Device Usermode I/O Protocol (Not verified) TOSHIBA Corporation. c:\windows\system32\drivers\netdevio.sys

+ npkcrypt File not found: D:\maplestory\npkcrypt.sys

+ NPPTNT2 nProtect NPSC Kernel Mode Driver for NT (Not verified) INCA Internet Co., Ltd. c:\windows\system32\npptnt2.sys

+ PCIDump File not found: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\PCIDump.sys

+ PDCOMP File not found: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\PDCOMP.sys

+ PDFRAME File not found: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\PDFRAME.sys

+ PDRELI File not found: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\PDRELI.sys

+ PDRFRAME File not found: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\PDRFRAME.sys

+ PxHelp20 Px Engine Device Driver for Windows 2000/XP (Not verified) Sonic Solutions c:\windows\system32\drivers\pxhelp20.sys

+ qkbfiltr qkbfiltr.sys (Not verified) Quanta Computer, Inc. c:\windows\system32\drivers\qkbfiltr.sys

+ qmofiltr qmofiltr.sys (Not verified) Quanta Computer, Inc. c:\windows\system32\drivers\qmofiltr.sys

+ WDICA File not found: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\WDICA.sys

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\BootExecute

+ sprecovr \SystemRoot\sprecovr.txt File not found: sprecovr


+ mdnsNSP File not found: C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll


+ Microsoft Document Imaging Writer Monitor Microsoft® Document Imaging (Not verified) Microsoft Corporation c:\windows\system32\mdimon.dll

+ Toshiba Bluetooth Monitor (Not verified) TOSHIBA CORPORATION. c:\windows\system32\tbtmon.dll

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Сподели другаде

Вземи си преинстирай ХР-то, ама недей да му слагаш SP3, нека да си стои със SP2.

Също така недей да слагаш разните му там tuneup, system mechanic, както и продуктите на нортън....


ПП и недей да слагаш инсталираш Spybot-a че хост-файла ти е пълен с един милион сайта.......



УСПЕХ! :thumbsup:

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Сподели другаде

Вземи си преинстирай ХР-то, ама недей да му слагаш SP3, нека да си стои със SP2.

Също така недей да слагаш разните му там tuneup, system mechanic, както и продуктите на нортън....


ПП и недей да слагаш инсталираш Spybot-a че хост-файла ти е пълен с един милион сайта.......



УСПЕХ! :thumbsup:


Благодаря за идеите, това с преинсталацията е разбира се вариант, но краен. Поставям въпроса, ако някой може да ми помогне с някакъв друг съвет в движение, иначе винаги мога да му бутна нов ъиндоус.


От друга страна гореизброените програми ги сложих след появата на проблема и не мисля, че те са причина за проблема.


Благодаря за идеите.

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