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Странно поведение на компютъра

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Имам странен проблем с компа - изчезват ми иконите от монитора. Не всичките на веднъж - днес 2, на другия ден също 2. Или пък се разместват - днес са така, утре обратното. После пак се появяват, но не винаги. Изчезнаха и от старт менюто (от там повече на брой, от колкото на монитора). Дори в графата на пуснатите програми няма нищо - пише "празна". Отваряйки C/Documents and Settings/Ние/Start/Programy/Running Programs - графата е празна.

Може би компа се е побъркал... :crosseyes1:

Друго: монитора ми за следене на температурата Core Center не се включва автоматично след ката стартирам компа, а трябва да го пускам сам. Иначе върти вентилатора непрекъснато. Пробвал съм да го деинсталирам, после пак го инсталирах, нова версия - дръжки. Нищо не помага.

Някакви идеи?

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Кажи поне с каква операционна система си и кои програми се стартират автоматично. Можеш да прегледаш темите в раздела Компютърна сигурност и защита от вируси, както и Съветите за успешна взаимопомощ, за да си формулираш по-ясно въпроса.
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Стартираните автоматично програми.

Редактиран от stanilabg
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Свали си Autoruns, разархивирай го и стартирай файла autoruns.ехе. Изчакай да се попълни списъка, отвори менюто Options и сложи отметка на Hide Microsoft Entries; след това цъкни на бутончето Refresh (второто). Запази списъка (File -> Save As...) и го публикувай тук да го видим.
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+ nod32kui NOD32 Control Center GUI Eset c:\program files\eset\nod32kui.exe

+ nwiz NVIDIA nView Wizard, Version 66.81 NVIDIA Corporation c:\windows\system32\nwiz.exe

+ SoundMan Realtek Sound Manager Realtek Semiconductor Corp. C:\WINDOWS\soundman.exe

+ SpySweeper Spy Sweeper Client Executable Webroot Software, Inc. c:\program files\webroot\spy sweeper\spysweeperui.exe


+ adaptec \adaptec

+ baby_desktop.html \baby_desktop.html

+ Bluetooth \bluetooth

+ Clone Dvd \clone dvd

+ Clone Dvd 2 \clone dvd 2

+ DC++ downloads \dc++ downloads

+ DC++ Shared \dc++ shared

+ DC++nedokonceny \dc++nedokonceny

+ Dokumenti \dokumenti

+ DSC02482.jpg \dsc02482.jpg

+ DSC02501.JPG \dsc02501.jpg

+ DSC02502.JPG \dsc02502.jpg

+ DSC02548.jpg \dsc02548.jpg

+ DSC03534.JPG \dsc03534.jpg

+ DSC03536.JPG \dsc03536.jpg

+ DVD \dvd

+ DVDFab_Temp \dvdfab_temp

+ DVDFabPlatinum_Temp \dvdfabplatinum_temp

+ dvdtrailers \dvdtrailers

+ dvdtrailers 2 \dvdtrailers 2

+ EAC \eac

+ Fast Stone \fast stone

+ Filmy \filmy

+ Fotky \fotky

+ hry \hry

+ Install \install

+ JetAudio Record \jetaudio record

+ Klipy \klipy

+ Lame \lame

+ Music \music

+ Niki \niki

+ Recepty, bylinky a ine \recepty, bylinky a ine

+ RECYCLER \recycler

+ Slavo Rusnak \slavo rusnak

+ System Volume Information \system volume information

+ Thumbs.db \thumbs.db

+ VIKI \viki

+ Vy a My \vy a my

+ Zaneta \zaneta


+ Skype Skype. The whole world can talk for free. Skype Technologies S.A. c:\program files\skype\phone\skype.exe


+ skype4com Skype for COM API Skype Technologies c:\program files\common files\skype\skype4com.dll

HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\Components

+ 0 File not found: http://b1.lilypie.com/wnR5p2.png

+ 1 File not found: http://lilypie.com/pic/061008/TEPk.jpg

+ 2 File not found: http://lilypie.com/pic/070303/Ryt6.jpg

+ 3 File not found: http://b2.lilypie.com/kqKAp1.png

+ 4 File not found: About:Home

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved

+ Web Folders c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web folders\msonsext.dll

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved

+ Desktop Explorer NVIDIA Desktop Explorer, Version 66.81 NVIDIA Corporation c:\windows\system32\nvshell.dll

+ Desktop Explorer Menu NVIDIA Desktop Explorer, Version 66.81 NVIDIA Corporation c:\windows\system32\nvshell.dll

+ jetAudio Shell Extension for jetAudio JetAudio, Inc. c:\program files\jetaudio\jetflext.dll

+ NeroDigitalIconHandler Nero Digital Shell Extension Nero AG c:\program files\common files\ahead\lib\nerodigitalext.dll

+ NeroDigitalPropSheetHandler Nero Digital Shell Extension Nero AG c:\program files\common files\ahead\lib\nerodigitalext.dll

+ NOD32 Context Menu Shell Extension c:\program files\eset\nodshex.dll

+ NvCpl DesktopContext Class NVIDIA Display Properties Extension NVIDIA Corporation c:\windows\system32\nvcpl.dll

+ nView Desktop Context Menu NVIDIA Desktop Explorer, Version 66.81 NVIDIA Corporation c:\windows\system32\nvshell.dll

+ PDFTransformer2ContextMenu ABBYY PDF Transformer Context Menu ABBYY Software c:\program files\abbyy pdf transformer 2.0\pdftcontextmenu.dll

+ Play on my TV helper NVIDIA Display Properties Extension NVIDIA Corporation c:\windows\system32\nvcpl.dll

+ PowerISO PowerISOShell DLL PowerISO Computing, Inc. c:\program files\poweriso\pwrisosh.dll

+ Rozšíření ikony programu HyperTerminal HyperTerminal Applet Library Hilgraeve, Inc. c:\windows\system32\hticons.dll

+ Rozšíření panelu Zobrazení pro panoramatické zobrazení File not found: deskpan.dll

+ Webroot Spy Sweeper Context Menu Integration Spy Sweeper Client Executable Webroot Software, Inc. c:\program files\webroot\spy sweeper\ssctxmnu.dll

+ WinRAR shell extension c:\program files\winrar\rarext.dll


+ NeroDigitalColumnHandler Class Nero Digital Shell Extension Nero AG c:\program files\common files\ahead\lib\nerodigitalext.dll

+ PDF Shell Extension PDF Shell Extension Adobe Systems, Inc. c:\program files\adobe\acrobat 7.0\activex\pdfshell.dll

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects

+ Adobe PDF Reader Link Helper Adobe Acrobat IE Helper Version 7.0 for ActiveX Adobe Systems Incorporated c:\program files\adobe\acrobat 7.0\activex\acroiehelper.dll

+ Yahoo! Toolbar Helper Yahoo! Toolbar Yahoo! Inc. c:\program files\yahoo!\companion\installs\cpn\yt.dll

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar

+ yt.dll Yahoo! Toolbar Yahoo! Inc. c:\program files\yahoo!\companion\installs\cpn\yt.dll

Task Scheduler

+ wrSpySweeper_99BF64392C22423C9CB2E3E3F093258C.job Spy Sweeper Client Executable Webroot Software, Inc. c:\program files\webroot\spy sweeper\spysweeperui.exe

+ wrSpySweeper_FB1FB69EA57C4398AAE7524B2C0A97C4.job Spy Sweeper Client Executable Webroot Software, Inc. c:\program files\webroot\spy sweeper\spysweeperui.exe


+ KPF4 Kerio Personal Firewall Engine Kerio Technologies c:\program files\kerio\personal firewall 4\kpf4ss.exe

+ NOD32krn NOD32 Kernel Service Eset c:\program files\eset\nod32krn.exe

+ NVSvc Provides system and desktop level support to the NVIDIA display driver NVIDIA Corporation c:\windows\system32\nvsvc32.exe

+ WebrootSpySweeperService Provides core functionality to Webroot Spy Sweeper. This service must be enabled and started for Spy Sweeper to function. Webroot Software, Inc. c:\program files\webroot\spy sweeper\spysweeper.exe


+ ALCXWDM Realtek AC'97 Audio Driver (WDM) Realtek Semiconductor Corp. c:\windows\system32\drivers\alcxwdm.sys

+ AmdK8 AMD Processor Driver Advanced Micro Devices c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdk8.sys

+ AMON Amon monitor Eset c:\windows\system32\drivers\amon.sys

+ DumaNT DUMA NT Keyboard Filter NVIDIA Corporation c:\windows\system32\drivers\dumant.sys

+ fwdrv c:\windows\system32\drivers\fwdrv.sys


+ nod32drv c:\windows\system32\drivers\nod32drv.sys

+ NTACCESS File not found: F:\NTACCESS.sys

+ nv NVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Miniport Driver, Version 66.81 NVIDIA Corporation c:\windows\system32\drivers\nv4_mini.sys

+ nv_agp NVIDIA nForce AGP Filter NVIDIA Corporation c:\windows\system32\drivers\nv_agp.sys

+ nvatabus NVIDIA® nForce IDE Performance Driver NVIDIA Corporation c:\windows\system32\drivers\nvatabus.sys

+ NVENETFD NVIDIA Networking Function Driver. NVIDIA Corporation c:\windows\system32\drivers\nvenetfd.sys

+ nvnetbus NVIDIA Networking Bus Driver. NVIDIA Corporation c:\windows\system32\drivers\nvnetbus.sys

+ PCAlertDriver NTGLM7X.sys MICRO-STAR INT'L CO., LTD. c:\program files\msi\core center\ntglm7x.sys

+ Pcouffin low level access layer for CD/DVD/BD devices VSO Software c:\windows\system32\drivers\pcouffin.sys

+ Ptilink Direct Parallel Link Driver Parallel Technologies, Inc. c:\windows\system32\drivers\ptilink.sys

+ RushTopDevice RushTop.sys MICRO-STAR INT'L CO., LTD. c:\program files\msi\core center\rushtop.sys

+ Secdrv SafeDisc driver c:\windows\system32\drivers\secdrv.sys

+ SetupNTGLM7X File not found: F:\NTGLM7X.sys

+ SONYPVU1 Sony USB Lower Filter driver Sony Corporation c:\windows\system32\drivers\sonypvu1.sys

+ SSFS0509 Spy Sweeper FileSystem Filter Driver Webroot Software Inc (www.webroot.com) c:\windows\system32\drivers\ssfs0509.sys

+ SSHRMD Spy Sweeper Mini Driver Webroot Software Inc (www.webroot.com) c:\windows\system32\drivers\sshrmd.sys

+ SSIDRV Spy Sweeper Interdiction Driver Webroot Software Inc (www.webroot.com) c:\windows\system32\drivers\ssidrv.sys

+ SSKBFD Spy Sweeper Keyboard Filter Driver Webroot Software Inc (www.webroot.com) c:\windows\system32\drivers\sskbfd.sys

+ TVICHW32 TVicHW32 Driver for Windows NT/2000/XP EnTech Taiwan c:\windows\system32\drivers\tvichw32.sys

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify

+ WRNotifier Spy Sweeper Engine Webroot Software, Inc. c:\windows\system32\wrlogonntf.dll


+ NOD32 NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support Eset c:\windows\system32\imon.dll

+ NOD32 protected [MSAFD Tcpip [RAW/IP]] NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support Eset c:\windows\system32\imon.dll

+ NOD32 protected [MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP]] NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support Eset c:\windows\system32\imon.dll

+ NOD32 protected [MSAFD Tcpip [uDP/IP]] NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support Eset c:\windows\system32\imon.dll

+ NOD32 protected [RSVP TCP Service Provider] NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support Eset c:\windows\system32\imon.dll

+ NOD32 protected [RSVP UDP Service Provider] NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support Eset c:\windows\system32\imon.dll


+ PDF-XChange PDF-XChange Port Monitor Tracker Software c:\windows\system32\pxc25pm.dll

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Опитай така: Control Panel -> Display, раздел Desktop, бутон Customize Desktop... , раздел Web и изчистваш всичко (с бутона Delete) освен първоначалната страница. Накрая прозореца трябва да изглежда, както съм показал на картинката:


След това ти препоръчвам да стартираш в Safe Mode и да сканираш системата с Ad-Aware.

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