vasilvas Публикувано Ноември 5, 2009 Report Share Публикувано Ноември 5, 2009 Привет, Днес си инсталирах phpbb 3.04 и след като се опитам да постна нещо на блългарси се появи тази грешка : General Error SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] Incorrect string value: '\xD1\x82\xD0\xB5\xD1\x81...' for column 'post_text' at row 1 [1366] SQL INSERT INTO phpbb_posts (forum_id, poster_id, icon_id, poster_ip, post_time, post_approved, enable_bbcode, enable_smilies, enable_magic_url, enable_sig, post_username, post_subject, post_text, post_checksum, post_attachment, bbcode_bitfield, bbcode_uid, post_postcount, post_edit_locked, topic_id) VALUES (2, 2, 0, '', 1257416546, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', 'Re: Welcome to phpBB3', 'тест пост', 'ea704a63307dd3811f360eae2b37e9cd', 0, '', '2kpy5ejg', 1, 0, 1) BACKTRACE FILE: includes/db/mysql.php LINE: 174 CALL: dbal->sql_error() FILE: includes/functions_posting.php LINE: 1871 CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query() FILE: posting.php LINE: 1001 CALL: submit_post() Моля ще ми помогнете ли? А излиза тази грешка когато правя нова категория (форум ,субфорум и др.) General Error SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] Incorrect string value: '\xD0\x9F\xD1\x8A\xD1\x80...' for column 'forum_name' at row 1 [1366] SQL INSERT INTO phpbb_forums (parent_id, forum_type, forum_status, forum_parents, forum_name, forum_link, forum_desc, forum_desc_uid, forum_desc_options, forum_desc_bitfield, forum_rules, forum_rules_uid, forum_rules_options, forum_rules_bitfield, forum_rules_link, forum_image, forum_style, display_subforum_list, display_on_index, forum_topics_per_page, enable_indexing, enable_icons, enable_prune, prune_days, prune_viewed, prune_freq, forum_flags, left_id, right_id) VALUES (0, 0, 0, '', 'Първа категория', '', '', '', 7, '', '', '', 7, '', '', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 7, 7, 1, 32, 5, 6) BACKTRACE FILE: includes/db/mysql.php LINE: 174 CALL: dbal->sql_error() FILE: includes/acp/acp_forums.php LINE: 1031 CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query() FILE: includes/acp/acp_forums.php LINE: 179 CALL: acp_forums->update_forum_data() FILE: includes/functions_module.php LINE: 507 CALL: acp_forums->main() FILE: adm/index.php LINE: 74 CALL: p_master->load_active() Цитирай Link to comment Сподели другаде More sharing options...
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